How to Set Fence Posts

Setting fence posts is an essential part of installing your own fencing. Fence posts hold your whole fencing up so are key to any fence construction. Setting a fence post isn’t overly complicated but it must be done properly to ensure that your fence line stays set, secure and erect for years. 

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How High Should My Fence Be?

When you’re installing or replacing a fence in the garden, you need to work out the best height before you start. The regulations vary depending on your local authority but generally, walls and fences in back garden should be a maximum height of two metres (just over six and a half feet) and half this height of one metre (or 3.2 feet) in front gardens.

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A Guide to Electric Fencing

There are sometimes situations that call for something a bit more intricate than traditional fencing, which is when a bit of a shocking twist can make all the difference. Normally utilised for agricultural fencing, but also for other security applications, below is a check list of all the items you will need to build an electric fence

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Which Fencing Tools Do I Need?

If you’re planning on constructing your own fence, the chances are that you’ve thought carefully about the materials you’ll need. Yet it’s equally as important to give the same consideration to the fencing tools you’ll need to see the project through. The right tools will improve the end product and keep you safe as you […]

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