Our fences take a lot of flak: from strong winds and rain throughout the winter as well as from children and pets. Fences usually lose stability before they show real signs of damage so supporting the fence post is likely to be the solution. (So save the time, effort and expense of taking down an entire fence and erecting a new one.)
How do fence posts get damaged?
The most common problem with domestic wooden fences is that timber fence posts begin to rot at ground level. Rain and other moisture from the soil gets into the post, causing it to soften and corrode over time.
Installing pressure-treated timber posts offers some degree of protection against this but let’s face it, many of us inherit a fence when we buy our homes so we have to make the best of what we have. But even if deterioration has started, this doesn’t have to mean replacing the whole fence – even if more than one post is affected.
You have the choice of a few options to repair a damaged fence post:
1. Concrete fence repair spurs
- Simple concrete posts, up to 1.2m tall, with holes to bolt them to the post. Take a look at our range.
- Concrete repair spurs support and reinforce the timber post, boosting the strength of the compromised timber and will remain resistant to moisture in the soil.
- Concrete repair spurs are installed in a few easy stages. First, you’ll need to dig down next to the post, put the spur in place, screw it to the post using coach screws or cement and then fill in the hole with Post Mix. Read our full how-to guide.

2. Drive-in fence post spikes

- A long steel spike with a square box at the top for holding and securing timber posts. View our post spikes.
- Post spikes provide an easy way of fixing garden fence posts into normal soil conditions.
- Use a sledgehammer to drive into the ground, with a driving tool to make the job easier. Read our tips.
3. Metal repair spurs
- Shorter metal boxes with a spike on the bottom. Browse our selection.
- Use to repair damaged fence posts which have broken off at ground level and are in a sound concrete base.
- Simply drive the spur into the remaining piece of timber post and then inserting the remaining post.

4. Fence bolt downs
- A metal box to cover the base of a timber post that’s being installed on an existing hard surface such as concrete or wooden base. View our bolt downs.
- By keeping the post solid while allowing you to screw to a hard floor.
- Drill the holes and then fix the bolt down using a masonry fixing, ensuring they’re not overtightened before inserting the timber post. They can be easily removed from damaged or rotten posts.