Rabbit netting is a very popular addition to garden fencing. Not only does this kind of netting keep your pets securely in, it keeps rabbit, foxes and other woodland animals out. Particularly important if you’ve got a vegetable patch or flower bed to be proud of.
Used with posts, netting doesn’t give the illusion of being blocked in, unlike panels, allowing you to see through the fence. This makes post and netting fences particularly popular in rural gardens, where you wouldn’t want to block out the view.
Rabbit fencing can be fixed to existing fencing in which case support posts will not be needed. If the rabbit netting is to be erected as a stand alone fence then this will need timber fencing stakes driven into the ground at about 5m centres. Larger diameter straining posts are required at ends and changes of direction, these will need to be complete with struts.
Lapped or buried?
Two methods are used to make sure rabbits do not get under the fence, these are either to fold over at least 150mm of rabbit netting at ground level on the side of the fence where the rabbits are known to live, or to dig a trench 300mm deep and bury the netting into the trench.
Support Wires and Netting Clips
Wire netting cannot be strained so it must be fixed to a support wire or wires. Use a 2.5mm high tensile plain galvanised wire to support the netting. The netting is normally clipped to the support wire every 300mm using netting clips. If the netting is buried only one support wire is required, located at the top of the netting. If the netting is folded at the base another support wire will be required just above ground level.

Roll Sizes and Wire Gauges
Available in 50m rolls in heights of 1050m or 1200mm, the former size being most popular. Wire gauge is also sometimes detailed by specifiers and AVS are able to supply in either 1.0mm or 1.2mm wire sizes; 1.2mm the thicker wire size and is recomended for a long life with minimal maintenance. Physical damage to your rabbit wire netting fence is a real and ever present danger. This can occur from mowers and strimmers, other wildlife (particularly badgers) can also make holes in the netting. This is why we say 1.2mm is the best if you can afford the extra cost. The highest cost with Rabbit Netting is the installation cost of it being buried into the ground which is why an additional investment in thicker wire may be a wise decision.
Country of Origin
Prices for our high quality heavily galvanised imported product are very competitive and meet BS standards, this is what we would supply in most instances. We feel it offers better value than UK produced netting.